Properties menu

Style your components and HTML

The properties menu is on the right of the canvas. You can open and close it by clicking the paint brush icon.

A screenshot of the Parcel window. On the right of the canvas is a panel of attributes for a button component. Above the panel is a paint brush icon you can select to close/open the panel.
The properties menu of a button component.

You can also access it by selecting a component or HTML element on the canvas then clicking the pencil icon.

A screenshot of the Parcel window. A button component is selected on the canvas. A bubble menu appears at the top of the component. The first option is a pencil icon.
The bubble menu of a selected component.

A bubble menu will appear of attributes you can modify. Click More properties to open the right hand panel and view all available attributes.

Click the counter-clockwise arrow icon to reset any attribute to its default value.

A screenshot of the Parcel window. The properties menu on the right is open. There are a list of attributes for a button component. At the top is the source link with a value The reset icon appears to the right of the attribute field.
Reset an attribute in the properties menu.