Approvals & Feedback

Get better feedback. Build better emails.

With Parcel, invite your whole team and outside stakeholders to approve or request changes on any email. No more long email threads of back and forth feedback.

Approve & Request Changes

Get your email out the door

Feedback is no longer ambiguous. You can leave generic comments, add annotations, mark an email as approved or request that changes be made before it's sent.


A definitive approval of an email – don't wonder about the state of the email.

Request changes

With pending changes requested, important feedback won't be missed


Give detailed feedback and leave comments about the email, including the email's content, subject, and preview text.

Bring your Team

Get everyone on the same page

Too many cooks in the kitchen? Not a problem at Parcel. Everyone can participate in the review process with Parcel's unlimited reviewer functionality, allowing everyone to give their opinion on your live preview— what joy!

Parcel is hands-down the best product in the email space right now.
Dylan Smith
Senior Product Designer at GitHub

Real-time collaboration

All feedback is real-time. See who is online, and see the comments the moment they are made.

Unlimited reviewers

Invite your whole team and outside stakeholders to approve or request changes on any email.

Resolve comments

Fixed the issue? Keep your feedback organized by resolving comments when you are done.

Version Control

Iterate seamlessly

Miss the good old days? Change isn't for everyone. With version control, you can save versions of your emails to easily jump back into them (& review old comments) at a future date.

Preview Variants

Feedback for all rendering variants

Between desktop, mobile, various operating systems, and inbox sizes it can be overwhelming to think about all potential renderings of an email. Parcel makes it easy by allowing previews of all these potentials, with additional tools to block images (spam folder, is that you?), and simulate visual impairments so you can rest assured all subscribers will be able to access your emails.

Implicit context

When you select a comment the preview will jump to exactly the configuration and location that the commenter was in. Asking for context is a thing of the past.

Mobile and Desktop

Preview your email on both desktop and mobile, and see the difference in the display.

Block images

Block images, remote CSS, and fonts, so you can see how your email will look for subscribers who don't load remote content.

Dark mode

Dark mode? No problem. Make sure your emails are handling the latest complexity for email development.

Live Previews

Real previews for real feedback

Utilizing live previews, the stakeholders you are working with will always see an interactive version of your email. No bombarding of inboxes with test sends — live previews will provide you with the capabilities to check links, view GIFs, and test interactivity. This is the future of email reviews!

Ready to dive in?

Streamline your email review process with Parcel. Get started for free.