Visual Impairment

Learn how to simulate visual impairments in Parcel

Parcel gives you the ability to simulate a variety of visual impairments to help you design inclusive emails that can be read and understood by all. You can enable/disable any of these by accessing the Previews Controls menu in the upper right corner of the Preview. You can only have one filter applied at a time. Visual impairments can be applied to any Live or Inbox preview, in any view.

As an example, let's see how a colorful email looks with each filter.

Up close image of the preview, showing an email advertising winter jackets. There is some text at the top describing the jackets, and then two photos below. The first photo contains 6 jackets, which are red, blue, dark blue, greenish grey, dark red and gray. The second photo contains an additional 6 jackets, colored black, white, blue, purple, orange, and red.
Screenshot of an email preview without visual impairment filter

Blurred Vision

Up close image of the Preview, showing the same email advertising winter jackets. The text and images have been significantly blurred and are much harder to read.
Screenshot of email with blurred vision enabled


Up close image of the Preview, showing the same email advertising winter jackets. The jackets in the first image now appear green, blue, dark blue, grey, greenish gray, and gray. The jackets in the second photo now appear black, white, blue, dark grey, and green.
Screenshot of email with protanopia enabled


Up close image of the Preview, showing the same email advertising winter jackets. The jackets in the first image now appear green, blue, dark blue, grey, greenish gray, and gray. The jackets in the second photo now appear black, white, blue, dark grey, green, and green.
Screenshot of email with deuteranopia enabled


Up close image of the Preview, showing the same email advertising winter jackets. The jackets in the first image now appear red, teal, dark gray, gray, red, and gray. The jackets in the second photo now appear black, white, teal, dark grey, pink, and red.
Screenshot of email with tritanopia enabled


Up close image of the Preview, showing the same email advertising winter jackets. The jackets in the both images now appear only in various shades of gray.
Screenshot of email with achromatopsia enabled

Learn more

For more information about inclusive accessible design in email, please see some of these resources.