An overview of the editor preferences
You can adjust settings for your email editors by clicking Preferences in the Parcel menu or with the shortcut CMD , (on Mac) and CTRL , (on Windows). These settings only impact your personal settings, not other users in your account.
You can change:
- Default: whether the Code or Visual editor opens by default
- Theme: dark or light mode
- Code Editor:
- Font size
- Font family
- Word wrap
- Tab size
- Insert spaces with Tab
- Minimap
- Syntax Highlight MSO comments
- Code checker1
- Spellcheck1
- Hover Overlay1
![Up close image of the preferences pane. It has two sections - "Editor" and "Theme". The "Editor" section is visible, and includes a series of toggle switches, drop down menus, and numeric inputs. The options shown are as follows: "Font Size - controls the font size in pixels."; "Font family - controls the font family"; "Word wrap - whether lines should wrap or not"; "Tab size - the number of spaces a tab is equal to"; "Insert spaces - insert spaces when pressing Tab"; "Minimap - Whether the minimap should be displayed."; "Code checker - Whether code checker should run (page refresh required)";"Spellcheck - whether spellcheck should run (page refresh required)"; and "Hover Overlay - Whether the mouse over hover overlay information is visible (page refresh required)"](/docs-assets/editor/preferences.png)
Close the preferences window by pressing Esc or clicking elsewhere on screen.