You can change your display name at any time by clicking on your user name in the bottom left corner and then Edit user. Enter a new name and click the blue Update button. This name will be visible to anyone who has access to your account, and is how we'll address you in any communications.
User Profile Image
You can add an user profile image. Images should be square, <2MB, and either .jpg, .jpeg, or .png. Open the user menu and select Edit user. If you do not yet have an image for your profile, you'll see a blue circle with the first letter of your email address in white text. If your email address is associated with a Gravatar, you'll see your Gravatar. If you have previously set an image, you'll see that image. Click on the blue circle/image to upload a new image. The profile image is visible to anyone with access to the workspace.
You can replace your profile image at any time by following the same steps.
Inviting a new user
Multi-user accounts are available to Pro and Business accounts.
Invite a new user to your account via the Members page. Add their email address and specify their role and the workspaces they can access. You must select at least one workspace to invite a user. You can later add or remove them from additional workspace(s).
When the new user accepts your invite, a new seat will be added to your subscription plan.
If you're not able to invite someone, we recommend you alias their email address. If that's not possible, reach out to us for assistance.
Parcel users can have one of the following roles: Admin, Developer, Editor, Billing, or Viewer. Billing and Viewer roles have limited access to Parcel and do not impact billing. Admin, Developer, and Editor roles do impact billing. The Admin, Developer, and Editor roles have full access to creating and editing in Parcel, but Admins can also manage workspaces, team members, and everything that Viewers and Billing can. Here is a breakdown of permissions by role:
You only pay for Admin, Developer, and Editor members. Billing and Viewer members are free.
In the upper right corner of the left sidebar is the notifications menu, where notifications for the user are displayed. The badge number on the icon indicates the number of unseen notifications. Notifications are considered seen once they become visible in the notifications menu. New notifications are unread and will have a blue dot on the right side and colored text. Click on any notification to mark it as read, which will remove the blue dot and redirect you to the relevant page. The timestamp denotes when the relevant action occurred, which is not necessarily the time the notification was created. Notifications are sorted by timestamp descending.