
Get feedback on your emails from your team.

Feedback and Approvals allow other team members to leave comments, annotations, and approvals on your email. Create your first feedback version by clicking on the "Feedback" button at the top of the editor. Use the default name or add your own, and add a description of the changes you've made.

Silent video of the full Parcel window. A sample email is displayed in the Visual Editor. The user clicks on the "Feedback" button above the editor, which replaces the editor with a page for starting a round of feedback. The Feedback page contains two editable text fields, one labeled "Name" and the other labeled "What changes did you make?" The value of "Name" is "Feedback: Round 1." The user clicks a light blue button labeled "Get Feedback" below the fields. The page is replaced with the Visual Editor and a panel on the right appears for the first round of feedback. There is a light blue button labeled "New Version" in the top right. Under that are two buttons, "Approve" and Change." There are no feedback comments in the panel, but there is a dark gray button labeled "Share." A banner appears in the bottom right that reads "New feedback version created."
Screen recording demonstrating how to create a feedback version.

You can click Share on the right-hand navigation to share a public link of your email to collect feedback from anyone on your team even if they don't have a Parcel account.

As comments come through, you can swap between viewing them in the Feedback panel and addressing them in the Code or Visual Editors.

Screen recording showing a user swapping between feedback comments and the code editor.

As you work through implementing stakeholder feedback, you can share an updated version of your email to ensure its content is fresh. Each version is considered a “round” of feedback. Parcel automatically saves your version history each time you request a new round of feedback.

Screenshot showing the Parcel workspace with multiple versions of an email that has been shared to collect Feedback.
Screenshot showing the Parcel workspace with multiple versions of an email that has been shared to collect Feedback.

Feedback Page


You can send the feedback page link to anyone, and they can comment/approve even if they do not have a Parcel account.

The feedback page allows other team members to leave comments and annotations on your email.

Silent video of the Feedback page. The bulk of the page is comprised of the email preview, which shows the most recent feedback version of a sample email. The top left corner displays the feedback version being viewed, with a drop down menu to switch to other versions. The left sidebar has sections for reviews and comments. The top menu bar has several buttons. The user clicks and drags on a region in the preview, which produces a blue box of that region. An editable text field appears, and the user types in a comment and clicks the "Comment" button. The comment appears in the left sidebar and the blue box is annotated with a number. The user clicks on the "Mobile" icon in the top menu, which replaces the preview with another preview with a phone aspect ratio (much skinner and taller than the original). The user clicks and drags on a different region of the mobile preview and leaves a new comment there, which also appears in the left sidebar. The comments on the sidebar have an icon representing the device type view they were annotated in. The user clicks on the first comment in the sidebar and the preview changes back to the Desktop view and jumps to where the comment was. The user clicks on the "Review" button in the upper right corner, revealing an editable text field with buttons labeled "Comment", "Approval", and "Request Changes". The user types a message and clicks the "Approval" button. This new comment is visible in the "Review" section of the left sidebar.
Screen recording demonstrating the Feedback page and how to leave comments.

Left-hand panel

  • Feedback verison: In the top left corner, you'll see the feedback version you are viewing. Click the drop-down to review other feedback versions.
  • Comments and reviews: Under the feedback version, you can see any previously made comments and reviews. The comments section has a filter to show/hide them by current configuration and resolved comments.

Top menu bar

  • Select the cursor icon in the top menu bar to interact with the email (click on links, etc).
  • Click on the message icon to switch from interactive to annotation mode, in which you can annotate the email and leave comments.
  • Click the desktop and mobile icons to switch between a preview for desktop or mobile aspect ratios. Comments are specific to device-type. Clicking on any comment in the sidebar will open the comment in the specified device view.
  • The preview controls menu allows you to view the email with images blocked, in light/dark mode, and with a variety of simulated visual impairments.
  • Click the Review button in the upper right to leave a global comment, approve changes, or request changes. These messages will appear in the right sidebar and in the Feedback panel, which you can navigate to by clicking Feedback above our email editors.

Your stakeholders can approve your email, which will be reflected in your Parcel workspace. You can still create new feedback versions and solicit additional feedback.

Silent video of the full Parcel window. A sample email is displayed in the Editor and Preview. The user clicks on the "Feedback" button in the upper right corner, which reveals the Feedback panel. The top of the panel lists one review comment, an approval, which contains a timestamp and a message. Below is a button labeled "Next Round of Feedback", which the user clicks on. The contents of the panel are replaced with two editable text fields, one labeled "Name" and the other labeled "What changes did you make?".
Screen recording demonstrating a global approval in the feedback panel.

Anonymous Reviewers

You can send the feedback page link to anyone, and they can comment/approve even if they do not have a Parcel account. Users without an account will be prompted for their name and email address when they try to comment.

Up close image of the popup dialog presented to users without a Parcel account on the Feedback page. The title reads "Welcome Friend" and has an editable text field for "Name" and "Email Address". The description reads "Before you start commenting, we need your email and name. Don't worry, we'll never email you about anything but your feedback." The user has entered a name and email address. Below are buttons labeled "Continue" and "Cancel"
Screenshot showing the name and email address prompt for users without an account.

Comments left by anonymous reviewers will appear in the left sidebar with a square icon. Comments left by signed-in users are displayed with a circle icon.

Up close image of the comments sidebar in the Feedback page. Two comments are listed. The top comment, made by a signed in user, has a circular icon next to the user's name, which is inscribed with the user's first initial. The second comment, made by a user without an account, has a square icon, which also has that user's first initial.
Screenshot showing the icons for a comment made by a signed-in user (top) and an anonymous user (bottom).

Integrating with Slack

You can notify people via Slack in real-time when comments are made in Parcel. Slack notifications are workspace-specific, so you will need to repeat this setup for each workspace you want to receive comments from.

Screenshot showing the Slack Webhook URL input in Workspace Settings.
Screenshot showing the Slack Webhook URL input in Workspace Settings.

Comments in Slack will link to the Feedback page of your email.

Screenshot showing a comment notification in Slack. It includes the first name of the individual that left the comment and a timestamp of when the comment was left. There is a call-to-action that says "View Comment."
Screenshot showing a comment notification in Slack. It includes the first name of the individual that left the comment and a timestamp of when the comment was left. There is a call-to-action that says "View Comment."

To set up the Parcel x Slack integration:

  1. Go to Workspace Settings.
  2. Select the workspace you’d like to enable the integration on.
  3. Scroll down to Slack Webhook.
  4. Now go to Slack. Click your workspace name in the top left.
    Screenshot showing an example Slack workspace titled Acme Corp.
    Screenshot showing an example Slack workspace titled Acme Corp.
  5. Select Administration from the menu, then click Manage apps to open the Slack App Directory.
  6. Search for "Incoming Webhooks."
  7. Click Add.
  8. Select the channel you’d like to post comment notifications to.
    Screenshot showing a new Slack channel labelled parcel email feedback that will be used to bring in webhooks from Parcel.
    Screenshot showing a new Slack channel labelled parcel email feedback that will be used to bring in webhooks from Parcel.
  9. Copy the webhook URL from Slack.
  10. Navigate back to your Workspace Settings in Parcel, and paste the URL provided into the Slack Webhook URL.

Now, when you receive comments from others in Parcel, they will populate into your Slack Channel! Remember to repeat this process for every workspace you want to receive comment notifications from.