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  • 1.5.0 Spellcheck and Experimental Versioning


    The editor now has an integrated spellchecker for Pro and Business users. Words that are spelled incorrectly will have a blue squiggly underline. If the spellchecker has suggested replacement words, they will be under the quick fix menu.

    Screenshot showing a misspelled word
    Screenshot showing a misspelled word

    Screenshot showing suggested spellings
    Screenshot showing suggested spellings

    Email level languages are set via the <html lang= attribute. See the table below for supported languages. Dictionaries are at the workspace level, so you can define custom words within each workspace.

    Languages Supported

    Languagelang attribute
    English (American)en
    English (UK)eng-GB

    If you'd like to have spellcheck support for an additional language, please let us know.


    There is now experimental versioning feature for Pro and Business users. Save a version of an email, along with any assets and components it uses. Press the Version tab in the bottom left corner of the editor to save a new version.

    Export Snippets

    You can now export all of your snippets as a single zip.

    Export Workspace

    You can now export all of the files in a workspace as a single zip.

    Fixes & Improvements

    • Corrected broken links on various docs pages