Previews & Testing

Preview your email every possible way

Parcel's previews and testing capabilities are all-inclusive and leave no inbox or subscriber behind. From live renderings as you code, to device and platform visualization of your emails using inbox previews, you'll send pixel perfect emails every time.

Get started

Live Previews

Iterate instantly

No need to refresh your code with Parcel to get updated visuals. Parcel's live previews allow you to see each change you made to your code, instantly. Test any screen size, leverage multiple previews at once, or open up your preview in a separate tab (for those that love to use separate screens).

Inbox Previews

Real inboxes, real devices

We can't be everywhere at once. But inbox previews can! Inbox previews give you the tools to render your email across hundreds of device and platform combinations, without having to own the devices or test email addresses of multiple providers yourself.

89 Total
26 Mobile
45 Web
16 Desktop
2 Tablet


Pixel Gmail

Android 6

Pixel Gmail

Android 7

Pixel Gmail

Android 8

iPhone 11

iOS 14

iPhone 11 (Dark Mode)

iOS 14

iPhone 11

iOS 15

iPhone 11 (Dark Mode)

iOS 15

iPhone 11 Pro

iOS 14

iPhone 11 Pro

iOS 15

iPhone 11 Pro Max

iOS 14

iPhone 12

iOS 15

iPhone 12 (Dark Mode)

iOS 15

iPhone 12 Mini

iOS 15

iPhone 12 Mini (Dark Mode)

iOS 15

iPhone 12 Pro Max

iOS 15

iPhone 13

iOS 15

iPhone 13 (Dark Mode)

iOS 15

iPhone 13 Mini

iOS 15

iPhone 13 Mini (Dark Mode)

iOS 15

iPhone 13 Pro Max

iOS 15

iPhone 7 Outlook

iOS 11

iPhone SE 2nd Gen

iOS 14

iPhone SE 2nd Gen

iOS 15

iPhone XR

iOS 14

iPhone XR (Dark Mode)

iOS 14

Samsung Mail

Android 7



Windows 10 Chrome


Windows 10 Edge


Windows 10 Firefox

Windows 10 Chrome

Windows 10 Edge

Windows 10 Firefox

Windows 10 Chrome

Windows 10 Edge

Windows 10 Firefox

Google Workspace

Windows 10 Chrome

Google Workspace

Windows 10 Edge

Google Workspace

Windows 10 Firefox


Windows 10 Chrome


Windows 10 Edge


Windows 10 Firefox

Gmail (Dark Mode)

Windows 10 Chrome

Gmail (Dark Mode)

Windows 10 Edge

Gmail (Dark Mode)

Windows 10 Firefox


Windows 10 Chrome


Windows 10 Edge


Windows 10 Firefox


Windows 10 Chrome


Windows 10 Edge


Windows 10 Firefox

Windows 10 Chrome

Windows 10 Edge

Windows 10 Firefox

Office 365

Windows 10 Chrome

Office 365

Windows 10 Edge

Office 365

Windows 10 Firefox (Dark Mode)

Windows 10 Chrome (Dark Mode)

Windows 10 Edge (Dark Mode)

Windows 10 Firefox

Windows 10 Chrome

Windows 10 Edge

Windows 10 Firefox

Windows 10 Chrome

Windows 10 Edge

Windows 10 Firefox

Windows 10 Chrome

Windows 10 Edge

Windows 10 Firefox


Windows 10 Chrome


Windows 10 Edge


Windows 10 Firefox


Apple Mail 13

macOS 10.15

Apple Mail 13 (Dark Mode)

macOS 10.15

Apple Mail 15

macOS 12

Apple Mail 15 (Dark Mode)

macOS 12

Outlook Office 365 (Dark Mode)

macOS 10.15

Outlook Office 365

macOS 10.15

Outlook Office 365 (Dark Mode)

macOS 12

Outlook Office 365

macOS 12

Outlook Office 365 (Dark Mode)

Windows 10

Outlook Office 365

Windows 10

Outlook 2010

Windows 10

Outlook 2013

Windows 10

Outlook 2016

Windows 10

Outlook 2016 (120 dpi)

Windows 10

Outlook 2019

Windows 10

Outlook 2019 (120 dpi)

Windows 10


iPad Pro (11-in)

iOS 15

iPad Pro (12.9-in)

iOS 15

starts at $49 for 500 previews

Preview your email in over 80 real inboxes with simple, pay-as-you-go pricing

See pricing details
Moving to Parcel cut down my inbox previews by 75%
Anne Tomlin, HTML Email Developer

Preview Tools

Squash those pesky bugs

Tired of pinpointing all your email problems during QA? We all know how not-fun it can be to uncover multiple issues last-minute, Parcel saves you the trouble and allows you to debug live. Using Parcel's preview tools, you can expand table views and locate missing cells, block images, and remote CSS, and ensure your emails are handling dark mode too.

Expanded table view

Visualize the structural tables in your email – finding missing cells has never been easier.

Block images

Block images, remote CSS, and fonts, so you can see how your email will look for subscribers who don't load remote content.

Dark mode

Dark mode? No problem. Make sure your emails are handling the latest complexity for email development.

Perfectly in sync with your editor

Jumping between your editor, and the visual of your email has never been easier with Parcel's Inspect element, and Focus mode. Click on any element in the preview to jump to the specific spot in the code, or highlight a specific area of code using Focus mode.

Inspect element

Click on any element in the preview to jump to that exact spot in the code.

Focus mode

Never leave the keyboard as the element you edit is highlighted and scrolled into view.

Nothing beats a live test

Test sending to the team is staple in most job roles. Pre-save emails you frequently will send to as a pre-defined group instead of doing the classic time-consuming copy and paste of multiple addresses. Or just test send to yourself!

Parcel accessibility tooling is amazingly accurate, everyone should be using it and addressing the issues it brings up!
Mark Robbins
Software Engineer at Salesforce


Accessible to all subscribers

Easily identify and flag critical, serious, moderate, and mild accessibility issues. With clear and descriptive error codes, issues have never been easier to fix!


Links, Images, SpamAssassin, oh my!

Run common QA tasks without ever leaving Parcel. Validate links to catch potential warnings and errors, review images to ensure that all are loading and secure, and run a SpamAssassin scan to check against the likelihood of landing in the spam folder.

Screenshots galore

Sharing your emails with your team or for a presentation, or saving email screenshots for your portfolio just became 5 steps easier. Grab full-length screenshots at any width in one click from within your Parcel dashboard.

Ready to dive in?

The email coding platform for the best brands and agencies