Email Preferences

Parcel's focus is to build a coding platform that is specific to the design and development of emails. Alongside that, we also want to build a great email program of our own (to nurture, retain, and all the fun stuff).
When looking to create a great email program, as email marketers, it seems we frequently find ourselves discussing how to collect better data about our customers. To personalize, trigger, and create a lifecycle that is customer-focused. But shouldn't the customer lifecycle start with the preferences of the subscriber themselves? Last week, we launched a preference center. No, we didn't re-invent the wheel, but we certainly worked to make it a bit shinier, easier to maintain, and added some features that may allow it to run a bit smoother than the rest on the market.
Introducing, Parcel's first email subscription preference center.

You have control over the emails you receive and when. In each email of ours moving forward, Parcel subscribers will be given the opportunity to opt out, unsubscribe, or pause.
We've bucketed Parcel emails into three categories.
- Industry emails. Currently, Parcel sends a Monday email called !important-tips. Think of this as our marketing newsletter, but instead of focusing on us, it focuses on other resources in the email space.
- Product updates. Now back to us. These emails contain content about feature launches and exciting product-related info that we hope you'll enjoy as much as we do creating them.
- Account updates. Now over to you. These emails are more geared toward your own actions, but not crucial enough for us to want to force you into them. We think they're noteworthy, but you can still opt out.
Via our new preference center, you can opt-out, or opt back into any of these communication types. You can also go for a blanket "unsubscribe from all" which we totally encourage you to do so if you no longer want to hear from Parcel but we will indeed mourn the loss of you as a subscriber.
As a marketer, I frequently wish that I could pause my emails for a short period of time. Mostly during the summer when I'm on vacation, or when I'm feeling burnt out and need a break. We've conceptualized this idea and the pausing emails is now in your hands.
When you choose to pause emails from Parcel, you can select to pause a specific email type or all. Perhaps you want to still get Account Updates, but don't need any Industry News for a month. From the date you pause, we assign a timestamp to your profile and a subsequent countdown of when communication is back on between us. Until that countdown hits zero, all you'll get is crickets from us.
Realized that you only needed 3-weeks away from your favorite email program ever? You can come back to the same preferences page at any time and choose to unpause.
Keep an eye out on your inbox for emails from us, and hit "unsubscribe" in the next email footer (yes, we are actually asking you to do this), to check it out.